A Natural Wedding Canopy...Hawaiian Style- this image was taken during my wedding fantasy shoot for Nate and Yvette at the Lava Tree State Park on the Big Island of Hawaii. This place is truly one of the most beautiful on earth and I've been in love with this road since I found it 4 years ago..(there's a landscape shot of the road hanging in my home). So I took the bride and groom down there and we had an absolute blast as we did all types of shots with this gorgeous scenery.
Take the time to get the right shot. Go to the right place, plan the right amount of time, dress up, make sure your gear is ready to go, visualize what you want to capture, and make it look amazing. Great pictures don't come from Photoshop, they come from your creativity and proper planning....
Next Workshop:
Temecula, California (We wil be shooting REAL wedding couples)!- June 26th and 27th
Camera settings: Nikon D700, 1/50 sec at f/6.3, ISO 320 at 35mm, flash fired. Taken at 6:22pm on June 16, 2012 by Jason Lanier.