Viewing entries tagged
Nikon D800


Bridals with the Rotolight Anova

This image was taken in Murrieta, California using the amazing Anova light from Rotolight.  The greatest thing about this light is the fact that it throws so much light in such a wide expanse.  Can't wait to share more pics!

Camera settings: Nikon D800, 1/100 sec at f/4.5, 16mm at ISO 500, flash did not fire.  Taken at 8:06pm.



Justin and Mandy, a Jekyll Island Wedding

Congratulations to Justin and Mandy who were married yesterday on Jekyll Island in Georgia.  It was a magical day, and getting to shoot on Driftwood Beach was just awesome.  More pics to come!

Camera settings: Nikon D800, 1/125 sec at f/4.5, 15mm at ISO 50, flash fired.



A Lazy Stream in Yellowstone...

This image was taken at my landscape workshop in Yellowstone just last month.  We put our hiking boots on and went for a walk out to this stream about 1 hour before sunset.  It was such a peaceful and beautiful place...finding these types of locations is the reason I love landscape photography.

Next Workshops:

*Estes, Colorado- July 23-24

*East Coast Workshop Series- Myrtle Beach, SC, Savannah Georgia, Knoxville TN, Morgantown WV, Washington DC- August 11-31...

Camera settings: Nikon D800, 1 sec at f/22, 16mm at ISO 50, flash did not fire.  Taken at 8:06pm.



Using Off Camera Flash during the daytime to create awesome drama

FYI: This image is not HDR.  This is what happens when you expose for the background and use flash to light your subject.  This image was taken at my workshop in Miami in May.  Using my Pocket Wizards I fired my flash off camera which enabled me to set a different exposure level for my overall image.  A great way to create dramatic contrast in your images!

Next Workshops:

*Online Webinar- How to create your own website for $25/year- next 2 Thursdays

*Estes, Colorado 2 day workshop- July 23, 24

East Coast Workshop Series- August 12-30, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia, Washington DC

Camera settings: Nikon D800, 1/250 sec at f/4.0, 18mm at ISO 50, flash fired.  Taken at 4:23pm.



Hollywood Starlet in Morgantown Warner Theater

This image was taken at my workshop in Morgantown, WV of the beautiful Megan Ward.  We had the privilege of shooting inside the theater that is no longer in use, and we had a great time.  This image was taken using my Rotolights with some side lighting to give it a real dramatic look.  We had a great time and I can't wait to go back!

Camera settings: Nikon D800, 1/60 sec at f/4.0, 16mm at ISO 3200, flash did not fire.  Taken at 2:56pm on April 17, 2013.



Wedding Celebration in a fountain, images for wedding photography

This image was taken at the Palace of Gold in Moundsville, West Virginia.  This was a first for me as the bride and groom, and wedding party jumped in the fountain right after the ceremony for an impromptu celebration.  They jumped in there shoes and all, and it sure made for great shots!!

Camera settings: Nikon D800, 1/250 sec at f/10, 16mm at ISO 50, flash did not fire.  Taken at 3:45pm.



Shooting inside the Palace of Gold at my REAL wedding workshop, images for wedding photography

This production image taken at my REAL wedding workshop at the Palace of Gold in Moundsville West Virginia shows just what an amazing place it truly is.  We were allowed to go and shoot inside the palace the day before the wedding for bridals, and it was EPIC!  Such a gorgeous place with amazing people running it.  Can't wait to go back!!



Palace of Gold Wedding Couple Shoot, images for wedding photography

This image was taken at my destination wedding at the REAL wedding workshop in Moundsville, West Virginia at the Palace of Gold.  It was a historic event as this was the first non-Hindu wedding EVER at the Palace of Gold and I was honored to be able to shoot it as well as hold my FIRST REAL wedding workshop ever.  What a combination right?  It's an absolutely beautiful place.  This image was taken after the ceremony during the couple shoot.  The panoramic vistas at this place are just beautiful.  Thanks Ryan and Janette for allowing us to capture your amazing day!

Camera settings: Nikon D800, 1/250 sec at f/8.0, 14mm at ISO 50, flash fired.  Taken at 4:33pm.


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Capturing the Sunset at a Jason Lanier Meet Up

Click the link above to see what it's like to attend one of my meet ups!  I had to get down and dirty with the waves to get this shot but it was worth it!  We had such an amazing time and I can't thank everyone enough for coming out!

Next Meet Up is tomorrow in Los Angeles!!!

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Little House in the Valley from Glencoe, Scotland

This image was taken in the Glencoe highland in Scotland after an amazing sunrise.  This little cabin sat there at the bottom of these massive mountains and I just loved how it came out as a contrast by using the black and white.  Hope you like it!

Next Workshop: Las Vegas, Nevada- right after WPPI

Camera settings: Nikon D800, 1/80 sec at f/4.0, 16mm at ISO 64, flash did not fire.  Taken at 9:08am on January 6, 2013 by Jason Lanier.



Client Testimonial and Review Jason Lanier Photography

This is a client review and testimonial from my amazing couple Aaron and Daryl King at the Mosteller Mansion in Hickory, North Carolina.  As you can tell by my testimonials I have a close relationship with my couples so much to the extent that they feel very comfortable in making fun of my bald head as is evident in this testimonial.

It's all good, all clean fun.  I love this couple and love that I had the opportunity to work with them!  Click below to see what they had to say!  Video is 2 minutes long and includes images from the wedding.



Day at the Beach!

This image was taken at my workshop in South Carolina in November of last year.  This was the first time I did a child shoot at one of my workshops and it was a blast!  For this shot I had to work with Sullivan to get him to smile and fall back...and by the time I got him to do it he did it beautifully!

Next Workshops:

Camera settings: Nikon D800, 1/1250 sec at f/7.1, 16mm at ISO 50, flash did not fire.  Taken at 1:57pm on November 7, 2012 by Jason Lanier in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.


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Angel in the Alley by Jason Lanier

This image was taken during my Chicago workshop in September 2012 with the beautiful Tyler Vines as our model.  We did this shoot at 1AM in an alleyway in Chicago....we were exhausted but definitely wanted to nail this shoot before we finished.  This was shot using a video light for front light and a triggered flash from behind.  Thanks again to my wonderful group for joining me on this adventure!

Next Workshops:

Camera settings: Nikon D800, 1/80 sec at f/4.0, 16mm at ISO 4000, flash fired.  Taken at 1:11am on September 19, 2012 by Jason Lanier.

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Lighted Staircases, Seth and Yvonne

This image was taken in the Hard Days Night Hotel in Liverpool, England for the wedding for Seth and Yvonne.  It was a beautiful wedding and we took this just after the ceremony during their wedding day couple shoot.  The lighting is natural except for a video light that I used to light them.  Hope you like it!

Next workshops:

Camera settings: Nikon D800, 1/100 at f/4.0, 16mm at ISO 2000, flash did not fire.  Taken at 5:52pm by Jason Lanier.


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High ISO, Off Camera Flash, No Tripod Shoot in Chicago Park

This image was taken at my workshop in Chicago, Illinois in September.  This was towards the end of the shoot and I was shooting at a high ISO, using my SB910 set up to a Pocket Wizard and Ray Flash, with no tripod.  The point I'm trying to make is that you can create some amazing images by just using some basic equipment.  You don't always need a studio set up.  I just love using Nikon because I have so much latitude as it relates to shooting in high ISO which means I don't have to slow my shutter down to a point where I would have to put it on a tripod.  Hope you like it!

Upcoming Workshops:

Camera settings: Nikon D800, 1/60 sec at f/4.0, 16mm at ISO 5000, flash fired.  Taken at 10:49pm on September 19, 2012 by Jason Lanier.

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Shooting up close and personal

This is a production image from the wedding of Sako and Alvina last Saturday in Los Angeles, California.  As you can see here I'm shooting pretty close for a cake cutting/champagne toast.  Well, there's a reason I can do that.  It's because I use a full frame camera (D800), a wide angle lens (16mm) and use the Ray Flash which enables me to get gorgeous lighting even up close like I am....the right gear does make a difference!

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Using Mirrors and Off Camera Flash for Wedding Dress Shots

This image was taken of me yesterday during my wedding for Sako and Alvina in Los Angeles, California.  There are so many ways to take images of hanging wedding dresses, but using mirros is one of the bet ways to get some truly unique and beautiful perspectives.  The problem is that when you use mirrors you get that crazy flash blowing out the reflection which is horrible.  So to get around that you use a triggering system like Pocket Wizards and a Ray Flash which attaches to my Nikon SB910 Speedlight.  The results can be breathtaking....



"Holding Hands" a wedding in San Diego

This image was taken at my wedding last night for Paul and Jessica at the Bali Hai in San Diego.  The image was taken this was and wasn't cropped, I purposely wanted a shot that showed them holding hands over the skyline of San Diego with the moon above them.  It was such a beautiful night...I wish all weddings could have such tremendous weather!

Next Workshops:

  • Myrtle Beach, SC- November 6-7
  • Tampa, Florida- November 13-14

Camera settings: Nikon D800, 1/100 sec at f/4.0, 35mm at ISO 1000, flash fired.  Taken at 6:20pm on October 26, 2012 by Jason Lanier in San Diego.
