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Photo Podcasts


Podcast- Not Getting Discouraged in a world full of "Likes"

New Podcast!!!

Sometimes the most frustrating thing in the world as an artist is to struggle to get people to like your work, only to see a video of a child throwing a toy in the toilet get 3 million likes or views! Jason Lanier discusses the challenges of social media and speaks about how you can gain a steady following of fans for your work. He also discusses how to handle the ups and downs of publishing your work online and how important it is to not get discouraged.



Podcast- Why Photographers Give Bad Advice/Shooting in Manual Mode

Jason Lanier answers a question posed to him by a photographer via Facebook messenger where they were distraught over being embarrassed and given bad advice at a recent workshop they attended. Jason gives the reasons why Pros give bad advice, and goes on to answer the question as it related to shooting in manual mode. Jason also discusses how to best deal with haters, those who put you down, and those who don’t want you to succeed.



Should Established Photographers Help New Photographers to Learn?

Click the link above to listen to this very informative Podcast!

In this episode which is an excerpt from a conversation held at my Miami workshop while we were driving to various shoot locations, we discussed the topic of whether or not established photographers should help newer photographers to learn.  

Topics include why established photographers are hard on new photographers, how to find a photographer mentor, finding photography workshops that actually help you learn, and more.  Also includes discussion on how Jason Lanier learned including what workshops he attended, 1 community college photography class that he took 20 years ago, and who he looks up to in the industry.
Jason Lanier gives advice on how you can self critique, his opinions on people coming onto social media websites like Facebook and bashing your work, and who you should be seeking out for professional critiques.  Jason shares his thoughts on blocking out those who’s opinions aren’t really beneficial to you and your work.   The conversation ends with Jason sharing how he had to improve his wardrobe when doing workshops since so many production images started coming out of him all over the place.  Hope you enjoy!



Starting your career the right way-Podcast

Just released a new podcast on some of my random thoughts from working today.  It's only 8 minutes long, hope you like it!



Join my Free Podcast Series!

I've launched a new website for my photography podcasts and would love to see you there!  I just dropped a new podcast today so please go and check it out!  I'll be doing interviews of other photographers that I meet at my workshops, review gear, interview wedding clients and much much more!  It's all part of giving back to the community.  If you're done reading this you should be clicking over to the new website....stop delaying!
