This image was taken yesterday at my workshop down in Tampa, Florida. If you attend one of my workshops one thing you'll learn and hear over and over again is the need for you to get it right in the camera, the FIRST time. I really preach that photographers need to stop leaning on Photoshop so much, because for the most part it's just trying to mask your lack of ability in regards to shooting.
This image is completely unedited. It's all about shooting at the right time, the right angle, etc. and understanding how to use your camera. You'd be amazed at how much you can improve your shots when you just slow down and shoot it right!
Camera settings: Nikon D700, 1/160 sec at f/5.6, 300mm at ISO 100, flash did not fire. Taken at 5:19pm on November 13, 2012 by Jason Lanier.