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Wedding Ring Shots


Ring Shots using mirrors

This shot was taken at the wedding for Seth and Yvonne at their wedding in Liverpool, England.  If time permits I always love to grab the rings for shots during the Reception because there is so much to play with including candles, mirrors, beads, etc.  I used some video light for this shot as well.  Hope you like it!

Camera settings: Nikon D800, 1/50 sec at f/5.6, 105mm at ISO 5000, flash did not fire.  Taken at 9:29pm on December 30, 2012 ny Jason Lanier.



Wedding Ring Shots Before and After

This is a before and after of the wedding ring shot that I did at my wedding earlier this month in Los Angeles, California. It's really fun to see how different it looks in the camera versus how it was shot.  Hope you like it!



Suspended Illumination

I love taking the time to do ring shots!  This shot was taken at my wedding for Sako and Alvina in Los Angeles, CA on November 17, 2012.  For this shot I took a fishing line and tied it to the rings.  I then put on my macro lens and shot it against the curtains in the house.  Hope you like it!

Next Workshops:

Camera settings: Nikon D700, 1/80 sec at f/5.6, 105mm at ISO 125, flash did not fire.  Taken at 12:18pm on November 17, 2012 by Jason Lanier.



Taking the Rings for a Dip- shooting with a macro

This image was taken at my wedding for Aaron and Daryl at the Mosteller Mansion in Hickory North Carolina back in October.  I grabbed their champagne glasses, grabbed their rings, and started carefully positioning them in the glass to grab this shot.  This wasn't easy because his ring was much bigger than hers, meaning it kept falling down and wouldn't stay up.  After dozens of tries to get it to stay using a fork, I finally made it happen!  Hope you like it.

Next Workshop:

Tampa, Florida- November 13-14

Camera settings: Nikon D700, 1/60 sec at f/5.6, 105mm at ISO 1600, flash fired.  Taken at 8:53pm on October 20, 2012 by Jason Lanier.
