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new york photo workshops


Causing a Scene in Times Square

This is a production image from my workshop in New York last May.  There was an occupy wall street protest going on and when we started shooting they started screaming incredible vulgarities at us and the models.  So with that challenge in hand I placed the models directly in front of the protesters and then we had "a moment".

I'm all for free speech, but that means for everyone.  If they can be there, so can we.  I wouldn't have done anything except for the fact that they started saying the nastiest things men can say to women, so we responded back with red, white, and blue pin up outfits and a shoot.  You will see the protestors in the finished images that I share, but I wanted to share a production shot to show you all how big of a crowd we started to draw.  It was a moment I'll never forget!

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Attack of the Killer Bubble!!

This image was taken in Central Park at my workshop in New York last year.  I'll be planning a NY workshop there again so you New Yorkers please let me know who's interested in coming!  As I posted earlier we met a gentleman named Bubbles who helped create these amazing killer bubbles.  I'm so proud of the models because when these things popped it would just spray all over them...but they were really great sports about the whole thing.  Stay tuned for details on a NY workshop!!!

Next Workshops:

Camera settings: Nikon D3, 1/125 sec at f/4.0, 16mm at ISO 200, flash fired.  Taken at 6:09pm on May 15, 2012 by Jason Lanier in Central Park, New York.
