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photo safari workshops africa


Learning to hunt in Africa by Jason Lanier

This image was taken in Kruger National Park just as the sun was beginning to set.  There was a lioness with three cubs walking around in the savanna when along came a 2-ton African Buffalo.  For those of you who don't know, lions and buffaloes hate each other.  The two cubs here started wandering off to explore and observe the buffalo seen in the distance, and it just made me think of what must be going through their little heads at this moment.  When given the opportunity buffaloes will actually take their horns and pound their heads into the ground in an effort to kill lion cubs if their parents aren't too nearby.  Of course the lions do their fair share of damage to buffalo herds as well.  Hence the reason why they hate each other.

Witnessing nature and wildlife unspoiled in Africa is the treat of a lifetime.  I'm building a photo safari workshop for Africa at the end of this year.  Can't wait to see what we'll see this time!

Next Workshop: Las Vegas, Nevada- right after WPPI

Camera settings: Nikon D700, 1/125 sec at f/6.3, 200mm at ISO 200, flash fired.  Taken at 5:56pm on March 11, 2011 by Jason Lanier in Kruger National Park, South Africa.
