This portion of the website is meant to help prepare you for your upcoming contracted work trip with Jason Lanier and his team. Below you will find a contract that lists the agreed upon rules, regulations, and procedures. You will fill out the form below. Be sure all spelling of your name, DOB, and address are listed as seen on your government ID. This information will be taken directly off this form and used for your flight information. Please note, Jason is not responsible for payment of flight if the model provides incorrect name, DOB, and address as stated on your government ID. The model will be responsible for their own flight costs if s/he makes the choice to no longer attend the event after Jason already purchased the flight. Please direct all questions to Emily at We hope you're ready for a once in a life time trip and we can't wait to work and travel with you soon!


What is it like to travel with Jason Lanier and His team?

It’s a lot of fun! You have an all expenses paid work trip where you will gain compensation, portfolio building images and opportunity to network with photographers all over the world.

What should i bring?

Jason will pay for one 50 pound bag. In your bag you should include: at least one outfit for each workshop event, jewelry, accessories, shoes, cosmetics, headphones, a pair of comfy clothes that you don’t mind if they get dirty and any other clothing essentials that you may want to wear to dinner or when not modeling at a workshop.

Describing the workshops

jason teaches educational photography workshops in a both small and large group settings both indoors and outdoors, so dependent on location and time of year, bring a jacket and clothes to stay warm if necessary.

sometimes jason will do live demos, so you should be prepared to shoot whenever at the workshop. there will be some down time at the workshops when you aren’t modeling. it’s important you stay engaged, polite, and patient throughout.

  1. Photo walk - a photo walk is a like a mini workshop. it is a short 2 hour event where jason teaches 10-15 photographers brief aspects on lighting and posing. Dress for photowalks are typically a dress and heels, or some sort of fashion outfit. Please have a jacket because again these are typically held outside in the early evening.

  2. Advanced Lighting Workshop- are typically 3, 7 hour days. Jason teaches a much more in debth course on lighting and posing. each day jason does about 3-4 hours of teaching and you will be modeling after or during his teachings. half way through the workshop we will take about an hr meal break; jason will pay for all meals. Dress for advanced lighting workshops usually consists of a larger, fancier wardrobe than what you would wear to a photo walk. we definitely recommend accessories such as vintage hats or gloves. it’s during these workshops that jason often creates published images.

  3. Portraiture Workshop- Portraiture workshops are 2, 7 hour long days. Modeling duration, accommodations, and wardrobe remain the same as the advanced lighting workshop. please see the description above.

  4. public speakings- Jason frequently does short 1-2 hour public speakings at private venues or in camera stores. at these events you can wear something similar to a photo walk. during these events, jason may have you as his subject for a live tethered demo. the demos last about 10-15 minutes.


RULES & Expectations for contracted models

  • Lodging- Jason will provide lodging accommodations. All contracted models will be housed in a well-rated Airbnb or neighboring hotel. Contracted models will be housed with other models of the same gender. Each model will have their own bed.

  • Meals- Jason will provide all meals. If the team does not eat together Jason will provide at least a $10 stipend per meal. This would likely occur for models in airbnbs and may be used at a grocery store or neighboring restaurant and cafe for breakfast or late night snacks

  • Flights- Jason will book your flight from the closest and largest neighboring airport. Jason will pay for one, fifty pound bag. To avoid large, long-term parking fee at the airport, you may want to arrange transportation with a family member, friend, Uber or taxi service.

  • Wardrobe - You are required to have at least one outfit per workshop event. Please see “workshop descriptions” for dress requirements. You can also click on the link below for further inspiration. Please direct any questions to Emily., (213)-255-6959

    Photo Walk Information/ Gallery
    Advanced Lighting Workshop Information/ Gallery
    Portraiture Workshop Information/ Gallery

  • Hair /Make Up- You are required to come hair and makeup ready for each workshop event. Makeup ready consists of at least eyeshadow and lip color. We prefer dramatic makeup. If you have any challenges with makeup, Emily would be excited to help you.

RELEASE for Contracted Models

Jason Lanier Models Volume 4 Year 2018-Urbex Pool Christen-0001.jpg
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