This image was taken of a beautiful bride named Abbie Bluhm during his bridal session. Believe it or not this was shot in her bedroom with two red sheets that I bought at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. We laid the sheets one the bed and then on the headboard, I went to a local florist and bought 4 bags of rose petals, and then while standing on a ladder my assistant threw and rained down rose petals on her. She was and is so beautiful from the inside and outside that it made the shoot just unbelievable. I found this shot while going through my images for the new website. Hope you like it!
Next Workshops:
- Morgantown, WV- October 22-24
- Myrtle Beach, SC- October 6-7
- Tampa, Florida- October 13-14
Camera settings: Nikon D3, 1/80 sec at f/1.8, 20mm at ISO 200, flash fired. Taken at 7:05pm on January 4, 2008 by Jason Lanier.