This isn't a smile, but my little Sony Handycam sure thinks it is!  When I'm traveling alone I film a lot of my shooting with my Sony Handycam so I can share my Photo Adventures with all of you!  Well, I love my little Sony because it has a setting that detects smiles or opening of the mouth and when it is in recording mode it will simultaneously take a picture of it.  It's what enables me to share so many shots with you guys...:)

This is a picture of me putting on the quick release plate to my tripod on my D800 during a rainstorm.  So, my Sony actually captured me grimacing and thought it was a smile, but it regardless I have a fun shot to share.  I just love my production images because they are fun for me to go back and look at.  They also can be great for sharing some tips and other educational tidbits as well.  Thanks!
